Zmajche was named after her roots, but she often goes by Majche. She is the oldest of all the Munch animals. And how old is she, exactly? Well...no one knows that! Next to Velech, her species is the most endangered on the planet Munch. There are only 100 of them left, and they are all female.
Zmajche is the largest animal on the planet, but also the gentlest. She flies constantly, feeds on the clouds, and rarely comes down to the ground. When she descends, everyone gathers, knowing it's the perfect day for a hug. She is really big and soft! She has a hug for everyone.
Her species can spit fire, but only in winter, to make a hearth for other animals that are not resistant to winter. But also to keep them warm because they are very winter-hardy.
Of course, they are very careful not to accidentally set the forest or even a leaf on fire! They have poor hearing and often sleep while flying. That's how they sometimes collide with the stars. Because they are winter-hardy, the RoboMunches have created a tinfoil cap for them.